Diary of Goddess: Life Lessons Learned

I started this blog in HS, when I was this materialistic, but saying I wasn't materialistic first to start a blog and thought my life was so fab since all I did was school, shop, & friends. Fast forward 4 years later, I became this college student that realized that college life wasn't like the movies and MY struggle began...Some 10 years from HS and here I am, living my dream of going to law school, bringing a whole new meaning to MY struggle…

Friday, September 15, 2006

No. 313 Fuck You

Ugh, there is a person in my life that is driving me to the brink of a breakdown. I had a mini one at work, probably coupled with my impending doom and the way she talks to me, I couldn't handle it. Ok, whatever, she's aggressive and she's horrible. I don't hate her, but she isn't my favorite person. She won't make me quit though. Honestly, the more I think about her and the way she is, it's kind of sad, the way she leds her life, full of something that she hates, and the feelings she has for someone that isn't available. It's horrible, and the people feel the same as I do about her, just less angry today, and I guess that's my gratification that yes, she is awkful, but you know what, karma comes back to you. Whatever, that's all I have to say.