No. 312 HUH?
It hasn't been that long this time...
I don't know, a lot has happened, tons of drama, well not really that much drama, but it wasn't a fun time, but i've through it and now I actually have stability in a job, though it is a "at will" job even the big boys are "at will" it's at least something right, whatever, the more I look at it the more i'm like, if you don't want me as an employee then fuck you, because I do damn good work, i'm what an employee should be, and if you can't see that and act haugthy about it, then whatever, we are through.
What I was thinking of though is sometimes i'm so superficial and sometimes I wish I wasn't, like I wish I was like some normal teen who hangs out with her other friends watching a 100 dollar tv and like drinking diet coke-the generic kind and their mom's make cookies for us and we eat like normal american food like hamburgers grilled on the barbecue...yea that isn't going to happen though, despite drama with my mom accusing hotel staff and then someone at teh banking of stealing her stuff-yes, she actually found it later, in the safety deposit box after she turned the house upside down and blamed everyone under the moon to my vain ideals of leaving somewhere cold for law school-why, just so I can wear alpaca and long cashmere coats-god, honestly I would have bought a whole bunch, but no, I leave in a place were weather doesn't really change and people subsist on North Face here, I don't mind, but it'd be nice to once in a while throw on some old animal around your neck, walk around and like not feel the cold. I can't do that here, i'd feel the heat-as in i'd start to sweat. Anyways, my life feels great nice, i've even got an office-though we don't know how long that will last, but whatever, i'm just worrying aobut the LSAT's, i'm kidn of umotivated, and i've got 3 weeks, I think i'll do well, I just need to do like a practice run and i'll feel normal...
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