Diary of Goddess: Life Lessons Learned

I started this blog in HS, when I was this materialistic, but saying I wasn't materialistic first to start a blog and thought my life was so fab since all I did was school, shop, & friends. Fast forward 4 years later, I became this college student that realized that college life wasn't like the movies and MY struggle began...Some 10 years from HS and here I am, living my dream of going to law school, bringing a whole new meaning to MY struggle…

Wednesday, January 30, 2002

No. 67

So, I just posted these two quizes I took using the whole "blog it" clicker thing, it doesn't work. So the "OH yay!" one is that If I were a band, I'd be N'SYNC. So appealing, since I love them. I mean, I still do, I heard they're still coming to Seattle for a concert, but I really don't feel comfortable with little 7 year olds in Britney gear and the older ho's hanging around. The second one is that there's this guy or whatever is my dream guy. Yea, he looks like a homie-g. It's quite funny. Anyways....

I went shopping again. It was horrible. I got this shirt at Old Navy. I try to refrain from getting stuff there, because the material is so horrible. Yet, I totally couldn' t help myself considering that this shirt was baseball cut, bell sleeve, it said T-BALL on it, and did not have the Old Navy logo visible as well as it was really good strecth cotton. I didn't to give it a try anyways right. Well, also went to Nordy Rack. Well, I actually broke down and bought another pair of Pumas, how can I help it when they're like 26 bucks. Actually, that's not the sad part, the sad part, is I secretly dreamed of wearing pink, and now I have pink ro shall I say fushia Pumas. SHOPPING GODDESS PULEEZE HELP ME. Yes, I mean I did buy quality items that I really enjoy. Especially the whole T-Ball shirt, but the Pumas could have been a maybe or maybe not. At least now I have a signature of blue, navy blue w/baby blue, pink, and purple. I mean, what else do I need? I'm not getting green, I don't have more then one green item.

Speaking of birthdays, mine is 18. I'm not much of a celebrator, in ML, I was all about the party, here, i'm like ehhhh, whatever. Alison has her b-day tomorrow. She hasn't told me, yet everyone keeps talking about it. Yes, I still got her a shirt, it's black from Old Navy that says Love with a heart around it. It's the Valentine's thing or whatever. It was cheap. I mean, I don't know what she's thinking, does she not want me to know about her b-day, or does she expect me to know. Everyone knows that I can't remember b-days. I can't even remember my parents, I always know it's in October, but i'm not sure about the correct dates. I get confused easily, especially with Miss Jewish Princess of Medina. God, now she thinks she is the Queen of Gymnastics because she's a senior. She keeps talking about my birthday and hers. The only reason why I remember it, is because everyone damn day she says, "My birthday is on the 12, just like you're birthday is on the 21st, so it's like the numbers switched around. I also won't be here for my birthday, i'll be in Washington." At least, I'll be granted some peace. Maybe I'll be able to reach a zen like quality.

I just realized how I was feeling happy, well I realized it's the endrophines or something that get pumped to my brain after shopping. Literally, it's really true, I mean people get high off of E and booze. Me, I get high of shopping, I really understand the whole you don't need substances to feel better, what do I have, the joy of shopping. I mean, I'd probably do all E and all that stuff if A. I was still in ML, B. if I never had any money to fund my shopping trips. So, I realized I have a quality that is pretty nice. I actually appreciate things, I mean I buy things most of the time frivolously when my friends think of me, but I enjoy them and yet I know i'm thanking for them. I've never come to a spot in my life where I couldn't have anything, it just didn't happen and maybe i should learn from that, because one day i'll not get what I want and it'll be hell. I mean, lots of people don't have money problems and they take everything for granted. I don't, thanx god, or maybe I think I don't, yet I do. I've never had to work for anything that was tremendously hard, yes I had to work for my stereo by learning to play Fur Elise, but that was basically it. It really wasn't that hard either, because I mean, I'd would have learned it anyways. Anyways, I just realized it's the good chemicals that make me so happy during the drive back home after the shopping fisaco.

FYI: I'm still secretly wearing my Pumas inside the house. I can't wear them tomorrow, because there's this evacuation drill. OH WELL!
