No. 170
Shopping just doesn't do it for me anymore.
I need some help, seriously, I really do. Going shopping now doesn't do it, there's no orgasm in it. Ok, this time, I went to Tiffany's and Co. and got this mesh ring, it really rocks, but it wasn't euphronic. I went to Express and got some shirts, on sale, great... I tried to find a grad dress, which resulted in me looking fat, and it wasn't a plus. I really liked that dress, but it didn't fit right, totally peeved, that might be the reason why i'm totally buggin' about being depressed. It's the fact that I look fat, I still don't have a grad dress and shoes, not to mention swimsuits for Hawaii. I need some help, I really do. Maybe the fact that I always said that I wanted to own a bracelet, ring, and necklace from there, and now I have them, it's kinda like what the hell is next? Seriously, I mean, what other stores top Tiffany's, probably a lot more, but i'm in Seattle, the land of nothing besides hiking boots and Starbucks coffee attached to everyone's cupholder in their Suburbans. depressing.
I'm fed up with reading.
Reading has sucked the life out of me. I no longer have good books to read and not to mention that Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is damn long, no one in our AP class is reading it, motivation my ass, my counselor always say that AP classes were more motivated, yea whatever. The damn book is some 500 pages, some people haven't even cracked it open and don't intend to do so.
What the hell am I gonna do. Maybe I should revamp by attire, and try to figure something out. My whole deal was to buy a dress, not a skirt unassemble. I have tons of those, skirt and shirt deals, but I want a DRESS. All the ones I'm looking at are too frilly, to peasantly, to summery, too old lady's, oh god, seriously, tomorrow, I AM HEADING TO THE GYM. I'm gonna do it. Going to the gym while drinking fluids makes me feel happer. I CAN DO IT. I hate the stress of a dwindling life, it's so boring it becomes stressful.
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